Friday 31 August 2012

Week 6: Interim Presentation

Reflection on our group presentation:

After the presentation I realised that unfortunately our proposed scenario lacked substantial research in order to establish a well-grounded argument. One useful issue we had researched and investigated into involves the rapid population increase in Queensland. I think this would have been a good topic for further investigation as it encompasses numerous points to support our arguments, which could have led to a well-defined future scenario. Further explorations and investigations into this subject would have led to a number of architectural issues such as urban sprawl, pollution, traffic congestion and possibly food and water shortages. Although these issues are quite broad a few topics could have been chosen to further develop and investigate into a much more valid architectural possibility.

Individual Project 1 Statement (300words)

Researching a future scenario has been quite an exciting project, especially as I began thinking into the way the future may drastically look and how it might relate to our conception to architecture. I have come to the realisation that architectural thinking has a profound influence upon our future sustainability and environs; an initial development into the improvement of how we may live.  As designers/architects we must invariably identify and consider these environmental futuristic reforms and apply these notions when working in a project. I have learnt that determining future scenarios is of great significance in the field of architecture, laying the foundation to an exciting yet challenging, new conception towards an architectural design approach.

Although this project has strongly focussed on how architecture is based on the influence of future sustainability, it has given a deeper understanding to the authenticity and true needs of society. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve come to realise that the dynamics of moral and political aspects of human life can put constraints to the development of new architectural ideals.  From here, it is apparent how far we are from achieving sustainability and political reforms, nonetheless, I believe there is a possibility that society as a whole can unite, in a homogeneous world and progressively improve towards a sustainable future. The complexities of all issues will not be completely solved however we can improve in our way of living to benefit the future generations. 

Interestingly, this project has exemplified insights into the complexities of architecture, how it might interweave with the moral and political aspects of human life and how it impacts the sustainability of the future.  Project 01 has taught me valuable notions in what to consider when starting a new project and has opened a new context that revaluates architectural approach.  Through imaginative creativity we can anticipate futuristic designs which resonate into new dimensions to architectural approach.

WEEK 5: Architectural Possibility

Researching and Predicting a Future Problem

My focus was to investigate food production systems, envisaged for our future community. Recent studies show the effects of land degradation are caused by farming activities requiring treatments that can prove costly. The technology to repair degradation may be made available, but only some agricultural activities may generate the farm’s income to support conservation treatment. It is known in today’s society that Agricultural production has contributed to negative effects in the sustainability of our natural environment.  Because of this it is important to address the issue and find preventative measures to combat this environmental problem.  One concept to prevent such situations is to use a technique of stepped terraces, as building above surface my effectively protect our earths soil.

How the System works

As our design focus is on small self-sufficient communities, this concept is a suitable solution for the Woodford site and could possibly be integrated into the amphitheater area. However, a few changes such as a public space below would not be offered.
- A combination of farmers housed in a series of stepped terraces with a farmers market and public space below eg: performing/entertainment area for the Woodford Festival.

- Each terrace allows in-soil growing for agricultural production.

- Public parks situated in various terraces; a slightly larger site surface.

- supported by the sites natural resources, with cultural and sculptural structures holding it up

Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 5: Architectural Possibilities

Reflection on Tutorial activities:

After we had discussed our scenario with our tutors (World War 1, World War 2 and 3 idea), we were asked how it might relate and impact upon the context of Queensland. As we were focussing on linking smaller self-sufficient communities, we envisioned a future scenario that reflects peace and conceptions of ONE united world. Finally agreeing on our future scenario we were able to discuss and address the basic needs for each self-sufficient community. We then discussed the four main architectural possibilities from our team’s future scenario which identified aspects relating to education, transport networks, food production and shelter.

After the tutorial we agreed on further researching some architectural possibilities that may be suitable for our future scenario. I was to address the food production system and came up with the concept of vertical farming. The vertical garden design I had researched was suitable for the Woodford Festival site, as a public space is implemented below; having the versatility to house several events. 


- An interconnection of small self-sufficient communities

-All local communities are fully self-sufficient within one community. Each community is self-sustained with their own life necessities such as food, water, power, educational centres and businesses.  

- Each community will provide their own resources, to live day to day and trade with other communities with their specialised service/skill.

- A combination of multiple small communities within a whole region will support a dissemination of social and health-related amenities among the divided communities. For eg: Medical facilities and Clinics, Libraries, Research centres etc. This will help prevent the spread of urban sprawl.

Transport Methods
- An integration of connecting train lines. Public Transportation- Connectivity to local community nodes. No Private Transportation

An On-going Education- Sustainable Identity
-Self-sufficiency and sustainability will become an on-going and continuous learning system providing an awareness to the general public.
-Woodford becomes a leading example for the world, encouraging sustainable, economic, social and environmental living guidelines. 

Week 4: People and Lifestyles

Week 4: People and Lifestyles

During the week 4 tutorial we discussed and considered issues that are likely to change or impact the way we live in the context of our future scenario. We were to speculate how we spend our days, what activities we may be involved in and how it influences our behaviour, attitudes and values in the future context that we developed. As we were focussing on an integration of self-sufficient communities interconnecting between multitudes of nearby communities, we summed up a few ideas. We imagined our communities to address and provide self-sufficient needs of production, shelter, transport, community, power, health care, education and waste management. After brainstorming a few ideas, we started thinking about how it would impact upon people’s lives. We discovered that there were a few issues mainly relating to the authenticity, public freedom and political aspects of human life. This assisted in developing an understanding into how this may put limitation to an architectural possibility. Furthermore, we learned that we needed to reflect upon possible conflicting social influences which in turn may put a significant impact upon people’s lives.

Reflection on Readings: 

The reading titled “Politics and the Situationist International,” highlighted important aspects regarding the ramifications of civil freedom, a future consequence in the realm of architects. It gave insight into Sartre ideal of “Existentialism” which exposes the uneasily straddled moral and political aspects of human (Winters 2007, 93). He emphasises the notion of how human beings live a life of freedom inevitably by choice, and exemplifies an influencing view in comparison to human life to an animal. 

An animal, however, behaves; and behaves as it does because of the kind of creature it is. It does not choose to behave in a certain way, or live its life in according to a commitment it has made. An animal follows a life laid out in front of it. Man, on the other hand, is born free; and he can exercise that freedom in choosing the life he shall lead” (Winters 2007, 94). 

Reflecting on the reading, I realised the bourgeoisie is not based on members of society to be committed to live in a certain way. If this was so, society and its members would submissively live a life in servitude. How can we tackle the inevitable aspects of human life, in order to achieve a self-sustainable lifestyle? How can we predominantly understand how such thoughts might relate through our conception of architecture? Fundamentally, I think an authentic life is one of independence and self-fulfilment. These elements of life are the foundation for an authentic life to succeed. From here, I have learnt that Existentialism is a significant aspect to consider in relation to architectural thinking and a world towards a self-sustainable future. It is evident how the notion of freedom influences architects, highlighting the importance of designing a project that allows for insurgency and understanding the dynamics of people’s behaviour and how they live their lifestyle. Although this may seem quite challenging for our world today, I believe there are future possibilities for society to gradually change for the better of our communities and future environs.