Saturday 18 August 2012

Week 3: Sustainable Future.

Reflection: Lecture
In this week’s lecture we explored the validity of true design reasoning which constitutes two fundamental aspects of PRINCIPLE + CONTEXT. I’ve learned that there are two ways we can contribute to design which is defined by two contrasting terms Selfish architecture and Generous architecture. Selfish architecture is designing with reasons without sufficient universal appeal; not valid reasons and Generous architecture is based on universal principles with a well-reasoned context. In order to investigate into a well-reasoned context we must firstly explore the fundamental principle defined as universal and never-changing. Some ideas of these include shelter, communion, learning, love, connection, security etc. The architectural context is defined as site specific and ever-changing which includes such notions of site survey, social setting, resource availability, economic conditions and climatic influences. From the fundamental principle we are able to construct ARCHITECTURAL PATTERNS which develops into well-reasoned claims progressing into a valid architectural and contextual outcome. 

After the lecture I came to the realisation that developing a valid and well-reasoned architectural outcome comes with elaborate political thinking and collaboration. Generally, it can become quite a complex process as there can be numerous social and political aspects to consider, undermined by various obstacles. For example each individuals needs and desires vary from one another, which may create an undefined architectural context? 

Reflection: Discussed During the Design-Charette
This week we were assigned and introduced into our theme groups. Being selected into the Regional theme we were introduced to our tutors Murray Lane and Steph Zannakis and to the proposed site Woodfordia. We were then conducted into groups of three-four to initiate and form valid patterns, continuing on from the information given during the lecture. 

At first it proved very difficult as our ideas for our scenarios were grounded on such comprehensive and abstract circumstances. After obtaining feedback from our tutors we discovered that patterns needed to be specific in nature/humankind, so we focussed more profoundly on Woodfordia (our proposed site); a starting point to help further our investigation towards a solid principle. Once we finally developed a principle, we were able to progress and further develop some patterns of our own. It proved to be very difficult by not having a well-founded scenario and principle. After this exercise it was clear that we needed to further investigate and research a well-substantiated scenario/principle. We then all agreed to research further into a more logical and valid scenario by the following week.  

Fundamental Principles:

Patterns developed:

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