Monday 6 August 2012

Week 1: Unit Introduction: Investigations and Objectives.

Reflection after Week 1: Lecture
During the lecture the unit theme of “Architecture Fiction” was introduced consisting of the four major themes, Urban, Suburban, Regional and Virtual. The importance of designing in response to needs should not merely be identified just by our observations, but rather uncovering ideologies of going beyond the powers of the imagination and envisioning in response to the manifestations of prolonged future needs. The lecture gave some insight to some ideas for future scenarios. I think a future vision could possibly be explained through various contexts that have developed through investigations of the foreseen.  These may include explorations of the continuous predicaments replicated in the past, or in contrast, revelations that reflect ideologies that go beyond the fanatical, crazed imagination including futuristic predictions and scenarios that have not yet been encountered in our ever-present world. From here it is evident that this unit is open to individual interpretation, laying the foundation for a quite interesting and exciting project.

Reflection Week 1: Readings
In one of the readings titled “Beyond Architecture,” Archigram predominately highlights the key philosophy of “indeterminacy”. INDETERMINANCY “Not of fixed extent or character, vague, left doubtful”. Archigram usage: Of varying evaluation. Not one answer. Open-endedness”(Sadler 2005, 90). In this reading Archigram exposes later there may be no buildings at all, that architecture can be designed in a context that responds to a particular situation rather than being restrained to just a buildings “programme”. It focuses on the undertaking of a series of explorations and investigations that go beyond the incessant “White Architecture” that we repeatedly see today eg: concrete mass. From here it is clear that architecture should be more than just a doctrine/style. It should be portrayed as something of the ever new. As Tinker explains “can we learn from the lessons of the twenties and thirties and start our thinking from where they left off, not from where they began?”(Sadler 2005, 90). Interestingly, it is apparent that this unit is open for individual interpretation and further research is needed to develop a unique concept. Essentially, the readings helped give insight into the investigation towards the development of an exciting and unique architectural proposition.

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